Forming consensus guidelines for patients with Chronic Subdural Haematoma
In October 2020 we hosted a virtual meeting of representatives from across the perioperative team to discuss the current landscape of care for patients with chronic subdural haematoma and identify important perioperative challenges.
What became clear is that addressing these challenges will require a multi-disciplinary and system wide approach, but that learning from related conditions, could help to inform practice.
We have now formed five working groups to examine the care of patients from the point of diagnosis, through their surgical and non-surgical management to the point of ultimate rehabilitation. Thanks to funding from the Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust and the National Institute for Academic Anaesthesia we have now commenced our initial working group meetings as we start our guideline development process.
We are also immensely grateful to the numerous professional organisations (including the Society for British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS) and the Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care Society (NACCS)) who are supporting this endeavour. Similarly, we are excited to be working with 'The Healthcare Improvement Studies (THiS)' Institute on this endeavour.
This process would be hugely strengthened by further collaboration with any interested parties. If you would like to be involved - please get in touch